Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Inhumane Gospel

It was a nice Sunday afternoon so the family and I went to a local festival. Of course the immediate plan before we enjoyed ourselves by the sights and sounds was to pass out gospel tracts. I established myself at the entrance where nobody could come or leave without passing me and began handing out a tract that looks like a huge $100 bill. About a third of those who came by were interested and I ask them each to look at the back because there is a Gospel message on it. I had two people bring them back after reading the clear message on the reverse. (I love the fact they bring them back because I can hand it to someone else Yea!!) The second guy said something very interesting as he handed it back to me. 

“What you’re telling people is inhumane” 

This caught me a little off guard. Here was a man equating handing people large sums of cash (pun intended) with a life saving message to abuse. After further inquiry it turns out that the issue was that the Gospel message used God’s law to rightly show people they are sinful and in the need of a savior. He told me it would be better if I told people that they are good and should help others. I gently asked him if he thought it was unkind to warn someone. I used the analogy of a blind man walking to a cliff. Is disrupting his peaceful walk inhumane? He agreed I was warning people but admitted he didn’t agree with the message, no doubt loving his sin.

The use of the law to illustrate how we appear to God is one of the kindest things we can do. 

“Deliver those who are drawn to death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter” –Proverbs 24:11

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