Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tips on tracts

A tract left in the floral department of Wal-Mart

Our Wednesdays in the winter consist of dropping the children off at the neighborhood AWANAS program and hitting the local area for an evening of tracting. We make it into a date night, enjoying each other’s company while serving God in order that He is glorified. Being consistent in tracting is very beneficial to your efforts in evangelism. First it develops a habit of evangelism and second it builds boldness. While I believe handing someone a tract is always better I also leave tracts for other to pick up. I have been doing this for years and have come up with the following thoughts on the do’s and don’ts of effective tracting that may help you in your witnessing efforts. 

In Stores: The best locations to leave tracts in stores are inside something that will be purchased. You can slip one through the handles of a boxed item, place them inside books, or put them in the pockets of shirts and pants on the racks. The object is that it is somewhere the buyer will not see until they get home. Why is this important? Think about this? Who is going to pick up a tract off the floor or shelf aside from kids? (Doing the floor drop works best in the toy aisle)  Most times these are removed by store personnel. The problem is these days with cameras people are afraid they might be accused of shoplifting if they pick something up and put it in their pocket. If leaving it on a shelf (which I have done) is your only option then by all means leave it there but try if you can to get it inside something. 

Restaurants: If you are going to leave a tract at a restaurant you have two options. Hand it to the waitress or leave it with the tip. But if you’re cheap with your tips then keep it in your pocket. I think you should leave a tip somewhere above 25%; the higher the better. 50% to 100% will stand out. Don’t leave a wimpy 15% and then sneak out when they are not looking. Remember its God’s money and not yours, use it for His glory.
A fast-food option that is really good is paying for the car behind you. When you get to the window you pay for the car behind and give the person at the window two tracks; one for them and one for the car behind. Just say to window attendant, “When the car that’s behind gets up to the window tell them that their meal is paid for and that this is a gift for them.”  Also, if you decide to do this don’t size up the family behind trying to ditch on it if it seems like a dozen kids in the car. This can be tempting.

Other Ideas:
1.       Don’t leave tracts in bathrooms. A bathroom is a dirty place where no one wants to pick anything up. I have left them at the sink counter many times but use your judgment.
2.        Leave tracts under the gas pump lever. This is a great place.
3.       Hand tracts with money to “homeless” at the street corners while you are waiting for the green light.
4.       At the coffee counters in your local 7-11.

In other words be creative in where you leave tracts, enjoy serving the Lord while you’re doing it and do it often. So get prepared with plenty of tracts in your car, truck, wallet and purse. Never be without one.

“And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” -Colossians 3:23

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