Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Festival Evangelism

For the first time this spring I went out and rented some space at a local festival to set up an evangelism booth. I have done one to one witnessing at other local events but I thought it would be neat to put up a booth and have people come to me. 

I was excited about the prospects Saturday would bring. As I pulled in and meet the event leader I was showed to my setup location. To my dismay I was given the farthest most remote and least frequented spot imaginable. 

Throughout the day I saw many people come and go down amongst the vendors down the hill. Where I was setup there was nothing. It appeared the folks running the event had decided to put me out of the area of influence on purpose. But regardless of the intent behind the placement of my booth, the Lord had other plans. 

In God’s providence he had placed me next to another vendor who was an elder in the JW church. I was able to have a lengthy conversation with him and even convince him to accept a gospel tract. I explained to him how we must have a right understanding of who Christ is or we have formed an idol and our salvation is false. I also helped illustrate how different the JW Jesus is from the scriptures. He agreed with me that we did have a different understanding of Christ and that only one of the views is correct. We went through some scripture and I encourage him not to delay in examining to see which view is correct.  

I also had some very detailed witness encounters with half-a-dozen other people as well as handed out tracts to the few passer-byes. The fact is God is always in control and having the location I did helped to remind me of that. The people I met and witnessed to that day God had arranged to be there before the foundations of the earth. 

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